Use of smartphones in classrooms in Barbados

The majority of students in our country are currently using smartphones as the preferred method of communication. Although the rules at our schools specifically state that cell phones should not be in schools, it is quite obvious that this would require constant monitoring, therefore, it would be more advantageous to utilise these smartphones in teaching.  Initially when Edutech was conceptualized it was thought that each child would be given a laptop, currently the majority of children in especially secondary schools have access to smartphones which have very similar capabilities or even more than the laptop. If these were utilized in the teaching of the curriculum, it would allow teachers to explore a wider variety of teaching methodologies and give the students access to current information, as there would be easier access to video on various topics, and teachers could more readily utilise the concept of posting a quiz or other form of assessment on the internet. Students will continue to access all the current technology and as such teachers must use their interest in technology to encourage and augment their academic success.

6 thoughts on “Use of smartphones in classrooms in Barbados

  1. Yes, the use of technology should be embraced. The use of these phones should not simply because its new or trendind. Persons, especially educators need to speak on this and let all know that it’s not the phones we find challenging, but the behaviour that goes along with them that is our challenge.

  2. Using smartphones in our Barbadian schools as an educational tool would be an excellent way forward ! However, two major problems which must be solved are…………… How do we successfully monitor student activity to ensure they are using these phones for school assignments ? How can we convince the Ministry of Education,Science & Technology Innovation to change their policy to allow students to use these Smartphones as one of the tools promoting student learning?………

  3. I am eager to see who will be the first to try using the smartphone in the classroom. The students would be engaged, but what a challenge it would be to have total class control!

  4. Smartphones in the classroom hmmmm. I am not ready to embrace this, but I guess whether we like it or not, the inevitable will happen eventually. I am sure the teachers way before our time would be in a state of disbelief if they saw that schools are now equipped with computers and each that teacher has been provided with a laptop. I do believe though, that smartphones can be useful tools, used to compliment instruction.

  5. Smartphones are the new craze and children of today are definitely keeping up with technology. I do believe that these phones can be used in many ways in the teaching-learning environment especially for in-class assignments. However, the teacher would have to be very vigilant and monitor the students use of the phones during class time. A challenge that will arise is the use of these phones for other purposes during break and lunch time.
    Hmmm, thinking!

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